April 2020
Survey During Phase II School Closure
In an effort to effectively represent our families and communicate the things we need and value most during this phase of learning we are asking everyone with a child receiving special education services to fill out this quick survey. We are not collecting names, just information. Please spread the word https://forms.gle/78UyprqNWeaXmz1k6
Covid: Mental Health Links and Resources:
COVID: Mental Health Links and Resources: http://Supporting Families During COVID-19 | Child Mind Institute http://Guide to Mental Health Resources for COVID-19 http://Crisis Text Line | Text HOME To 741741 http://National Helpline Mass Kids Parental Stress Line 24-hour hotline in Massachusetts 1-617-632-8133 x2 https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 http://Welcome | Parents Helping Parents Coping With Stress …
N1 Letters
Dear Families,We are reconvening tomorrow – Thursday 4/16 at 7:45 pm – to continue our active discussion about our experiences with special education for our children on IEPs and 504s during this time of closure. Please join us and add your voice to this important conversation! The Zoom link for tomorrow is https://zoom.us/j/93714510347 . On a related …
April 15th General Meeting changed to Check in
We are meeting informally on Wednesday 4/15 at 7:30 via Zoom. The link is: https://zoom.us/j/557052886. Please join us and share your updates, thoughts, and questions! Many of you had Wednesday 4/15 on your calendars for our next SEPAC general meeting. The Town requirements for this type of meeting have changed since we met on 3/12 and …